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How Brisk Walk Can Help You Improve Physical & Mental Fitness?

Ever thought of how Brisk Walk can be a lifetime companion for health, fitness, and mental health? Ever thought of how Brisk Walk can make you thin and slim and shed those unwanted pounds?         

The competitive world outside and our quest for gaining the material things of life, makes us fall prey to excessive stress, fatigue, and depression resulting in irregular eating and sleeping habits and an undisciplined lifestyle. Thus, compelling a few resorts to smoke & drinking. 

These things have a direct impact on our health in terms of depression, high blood pressure, and sugar problems. Hence, these challenges can be handled very well if you practice Brisk Walk and follow a disciplined life.  
A regular brisk walk for about 45 minutes to an hour daily has a direct impact on your weight, belly fat, blood sugar, HBA1C, and undoubtedly, mental health as well. Brisk walk for 45 minutes a day to an hour is the best medicine for our physical and mental fitness. healthy body keeps us much away from the possibility of heart disease and diabetes, and help you maintain independence as you age. Similarly, Mental fitness is important to deal with emotional fatigue and emotional health by way of positive thinking.

Brisk Walk – What is it?

Brisk Walk is a simple way of walking. However, it makes itself different from normal walking due to the speed factor associated with it. This speed and distance factor makes the brisk walk a relative concept.

A regular walk in the back yard for 30 minutes to 1 hour or a pleasant walk in the garden post-dinner in the garden is not the brisk walk. There is not a single fix and standard definition of brisk walking. If you cover a distance of 4 to 5 km in 40 minutes to 45 minutes by fast walking, it is termed as Brisk Walk.  

At the end of your brisk walk, your heart will beat faster and you will be sweating and this will make your body warm.

Brisk Walk – How does it impacts body fat, weight?

You can reduce body fat and body weight and also have control over your mental emotions by doing a brisk walk as it tends to increase your metabolic rate. Means, Brisk Walking will increase your respiration and digestion, the two vital processes essential for a healthy metabolism.

As a result of this faster digestion and quick respiration, your metabolism becomes faster and the process of food break down (catabolism) is increased significantly. Ultimately, this leads to much faster and greater calorie burning and more calorie expenditure.

When already available calories are finished, your body starts burning off the available fat that is stored in your fatty tissues (such as belly fat, arms, thighs, and buttocks). The net result of this whole process is that you lose bodyweight by blasting fat.

Hence, a brisk walk is the most affordable, executable, time-tested, recommended, and simplest of the workout.

Brisk Walk – When to do?

There is no timespan to do your brisk walk. You can do it as and when you want to do it. The only thing is it should not be done one hour before or after consuming your food, as per the experts. But, yes, one needs to fix a time for your body to get accustomed to it and to start producing desired results.

Brisk Walk - Positive Impact on  Health & Fitness?

  • It helps to maintain an optimum weight. The brisk walk has a direct impact on weight loss. There are chances of a minimum of 3 to 6 kg weight loss if practiced brisk walk continuously for 60 to 90 days (of course, need to have a balanced diet as well).
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Burns Calories
  • Prevents or manages various conditions, including heart disease, control high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.
  • Reduces the probability of heart attack
  • Strengthens your bones and muscles
  • Improves your mood, gives relaxation to mind. Thus increases mental health as well
  • It increases concentration on the work front as well
  • Makes you feel the energetic whole day
  •  Improves your balance and coordination

Brisk Walk – Other Benefits: 

  • The most important benefit of a brisk walk is that it is free cost. You need not join a gym to do complex workouts by paying hefty subscription amounts, for doing it every day. Thus, it also helps you save thousands of dollars.
  • Besides, you need not hire any professional trainer. Always remember that nobody can do exercise for you and thus, help you reduce your weight. 
  • Brisk Walk is an Indoor & Outdoor form of exercise: Just select a park near your home or a path near your colony and start doing it.
  • Also, you can continue to do it on the treadmill in a rainy season. 
  • There is no specific age limit to do a brisk walk. From the age of 25 till 80, any once can do it happily to stay fit mentally and physically. It’s because of this factor; a brisk walk is called “a lifetime companion” of a person.           

It has been found that people who are doing brisk walk consistently for more than a year, are more happy, healthy, and agile. They are more energetic than those not practicing the brisk walk. 

Brisk Walk- for you and your family :

A brisk walk is the best gift you can give to yourself and hence, to your family. On average, a person can reduce a minimum of 5 pounds if continued the brisk walk for 60 to 90 days religiously.  Thousands of people have reduced more than 15 kg just by adhering to 45 minutes to an hour of Brisk Walk along with a healthy balanced diet.

There are many success stories associated with the brisk walk. It has a quick impact on your weight loss and pongee. Of course, you need to have control of eating too. 

Besides the looks, it increases the probability of a healthy and peaceful life, unless there are major issues with your health.

Thus, we need to practice brisk walk every day to stay fit, healthy, and free from obesity.

What do you say? Please comment, share and spread your thoughts and ideas on the Brisk Walk and its benefit, so that we can contribute our bit to make the world healthy, wealthy, and free from obesity.



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